Embroidery Essentials Checklist

Posted by Sofiyah Layton on

Embroidery Essentials Checklist

Here is a list of the 6 essentials items  that are necessary items for Machine Embroidery


   It is good to have one of each of the following stabilizers on hand for all types of projects and also to familiarize yourself with the one you like to work with the most. (personally, I like tearaway the best, but if I am doing a lighter fabric where tear away might be too harsh then I use cutaway)



     Wash away

     Water-soluble topping

2.Temporary Adhesive Spray

          Good for holding the project in place especially when doing machine applique


         Choose needles according to fabric type

4.Embroidery Thread

5.Bobbin Thread

     Black and White

6.Small scissors or snips

        Small scissors help clip thread closely

       Curved small scissors are best because they cut very close

Not really a necessity but the following items I like because they help me out

     Disappearing ink pen

             Great for marking locations

     Masking tape

          The machine can sew right through it and it holds irregular pieces of fabric in place (Definitely a must have for me because I embroider on T-Shirts often and it hold my water soluble topper in place)

I hope this was helpful and useful for you and if there any steps you think I missed and you want to let me know. Please feel free to contact me with what you think I should add at  cs@embroiderybysofi.com


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