Machine Embroidery Troubleshooting Checklist

Posted by Sofiyah Layton on

Machine Embroidery Troubleshooting Checklist

Here is a checklist of many common problems that you may come across when using your embroidery machine.

You can use this checklist as a quick reference so you don't’ have to stop and search for answers.

Which leaves more time for embroidery :)


  1. Problem =  Nest of thread on bobbin side also known as bird nesting


  •            Tension dial is not at the correct number
  •            Make sure the needle was threaded with  the embroidery foot at

           The highest position  

  1. Problem =  Bobbin thread on the topside


  •            Machine may need oiling
  •            Check if the needle is correctly threaded
  •            Check if you are using correct bobbin thread
  •            May need to adjust the tension
  •            The needle may be dull or crooked

  1. Problem = Needle thread loose and you see loops


  •            Re-thread
  •            Tighten tension slowly and restitch

  1. Problem = Needle bends or breaks


  •          Check needle thread path to make sure there are no tangles
  •           Change dull needle
  •           Use the correct needle size for the fabric you are stitching on

                    ie (light fabric needle, heavy fabric needle, and more)

  1. Problem = Fabric is puckered around machine design


  •           The fabric was stretched as it was hooped
  •           Hoop screws are not tight enough
  •           Press around design


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